This month there was an extra submission to the MS Cupcake Club. It was the Banana Pecan Cupcake.

The recipe called for Cake Flour, this was the firs time that I ever used the same. The cupcakes came out nice and light and fluffy you can tell by the pictures below.

As I was reading the recipe I noticed that it indicated that these cupcakes would be good at anytime of day without frosting. That is the approach that I took after tasting the batter, it reminded me of my banana bread that I make on a regular basis, except lighter and fluffier but tasted just as good. So I decided that I would skip the frosting and after they came out of the oven, I would sprinkle them with cinnamon sugar. You can eat them anytime of day and I have gotten rave reviews from my family and co-workers.

My take on these delicious cupcakes is make them and call them muffins, then you can eat them anytime of the day!!!!

Happy Baking !!


Last night I came across 2 new websites , one was thanks to one of my favorite blogs cupcakestakethecake.blogspot.com, they introduced Reynolds new website called cupcakecentral.com check out the site it will be a great reference and they are coming out with great products.

The second website I found was one by the authors of the Hello Cupcake Book, I did not realize they had a website and a cupcake club their site is  hellocupcakebook.com.    I sent an email to join the cupcake club it is almost like the MS cupcake club I belong to.

I also know that the authors of Hello Cupcake will be coming out with a new book very soon !  I can't wait to purchase it !

Happy Baking !!!!

Julieecakes :)
This weekend I picked apples Yum!  I am thinking of baking a nice apple cupcake at some point this week.  But for Saturday I made a special little boy his baseball birthday cake , it was a spice cake with cream cheese frosting .  I had to use cream cheese decorator frosting( courtesy of cakecentral.com) because regualr cream cheese frosting is too soft.  It worked out rather well but by the time I was piping the border on the cake it had soften too much and it didn't stand up well.  Next time I use this frosting I will refrigerate one color while I am using another.  I also tred to make the "blechers" look like wood grain but again I was using frosting , I am pretty happy with they way they turned out.  I would change the M&M size I used for the poeple in the stands to mini M&M's . However, I did but smiley faces on the M&M's  :)  the best part is that the child loved the cake and it made his birthday !  So Happy Birthday Ryan !   Below is a pciture of his cake.......

Ok, baking fans this weeks cupcake is  zucchini YUN ! No need to drag out your mixer this one is done with a wisk and a spoon.  As I wisked the dry ingredidents I noticed the smell of the spices and the flour come together almost like a fall day . Then the wet ingrdidents what a smell as well.  I used a fresh zuchani from my garden I think it added a punch of flavor from a store bought one.  I cut this recipe in 1/2 and only made 12 cupckaes insterad of 24. I did not encounter any problems with this and the flavors all came through as though it was a whole batch of cupcakes. 

The cream cheese frosting was easy , quick and satifiying , the non baker would have never know this creamy frosting took no time to whip up.  Althought soft I found that it piped well enought ot make swrls on top of the cupcakes, but this is defnitely not a frosting for regualr piping.

I have posted some pictures of the whole process. I also included a picture of the wisk for proof how easy they are .  If you look closly at the picture of the cupcake you can see tiny green speaks of zucchiniHappy Baking Everyone !


I was searching for the new Wilton Cookie Exchange exchange book and I found this blog/ website entitled mommygoggles.com  It is full of all intesting stuff and tons of giveaway.  Go check out the site and if you have not checked out the new book check out wilton.com for more information.  Oh I almost forgot mommygoggles s giving away a copy !

Ok, have to go and make the cooke dough !

Happy Baking

Hope you all saw the Ultimate Cake Challenge on TLC last night at 10:00 p.m., it featured one of my favorite cake desingers Courtney Clark from Cake Nouveau Cakenouveau.com She won !!! Courtney made an awesome 5 foot cake.  Check out her site to see the pictures!

Congratulations Courtney From one of your biggest fans!

This weekend I sent my submission for the MS Cupcake Club see the banner on my site , along with the first post in August .) logo contest so wish me luck !  I will post a couple of the picture let me know what you think .

The next posting of the MS Cupcake club will be on September 15th , the club is making Zuchani Spice cupcakes with cream cheese frosting should be awesome.

Happy Baking 


If you would like to join us baking our way through Martha Stewarts Cupcake Book , please visit this site

I did  2 new things this week, the first I made mexican paste slightly different from gumpaste, however it seems more fragile to me ,then gumpasteis .  i had a lot of breakage with respect to the butterflies that I made with mynew patch work cutters.  You can find them athttp://www.globalsugarart.com/  I would however like to purchase a how to book for the patchwork cutters I thnk I might be doing somethng wrong.. 

I also attmepted to paint with on these butterflies although the loook rather large in the pictures they are really quite small.  The first one I will post is just a red butterfly which  did with pearl dust you can tell form the picture but it gave a nice pearlized finish.  The second I used foodcoloring and lemon extract, it came out ok , put I need to work on my painting skill a bit.  My mother had great painting skills so hopefully some have rubbed off on to me.  The third on it a mix of painting and pearl dust this came out the best out of all 3 Ithink although it is only one wing , they are fragile.

That is all for today

Have a great long weekend I intend to .
