Tried my hand at making cookies for  Thanksgiving, they came out pretty good, made them swirled to look like fall leaves.

Ok, Baking fans this is my first Ironcupcake challenge !  the ingredient for this challenge was Apple , I had to use that ingrdient to come up with a recipe for a cupcake.  I chose to make a carmel apple cupcake, it is a basic cupcake made with a few of my fasvortie ingredients like brown sugar and apple pie spice ( love the smell ) and of course apples ! The apples were coated them with flour , so they would not sink to the bottom, and folded them into the batter last.  I was very happy with the result .  I coated the top of my cupcakes with warm carmal made from brown sugar Yummy.  !!!!  they taste like a a carmel apple from childhood.

 Vote for me starting Friday  at ironcupcakechallenge

Below are a list of sponsers who provide prizes and help support the vast amount of ironcupcakers from around the world !  Please check out their sites !

My demy by key ingredient   Hello Cupcake by Karen Tucker and Alan Richardson

Cake doctor Returns by Anne Bryn      Bella Cupake Couture

Cupcake Stackers by Gourmac  Beautiful Baking Liner by Vestli

Sweet Cuppin Cakes Bakery and Cupcakery Supply

Below are pictures of the process.........

Happy Baking Everyone !!!!Julieecakes!
thsi weekend Imade a Grover cake , it took me back to my childhood and Sesame Street.  Speaking of Seasame Street  Happy 40th to them.!

I also made a cally lilly cake for a 70th Birthday !!! 

I am off to bake for the MS Cupcke Club and I think I have come up with a cupcke for Ironcupckes which will be posted by 11/30.

Happy Baking Everyone off to mess up the kitchen :)



Hi everyone !

I made this gumpaste fiqures on Sunday for a cake due this week.  I love doing the figures they are so much fun !